The woman who fought her way through a previously male dominated business territory, G. SREE VIDHYA - the first of women entrepreneurs in Chennai and all over India, to provide security services to corporate houses, is the proud owner of Ravindra Services Pvt.Ltd (RSPL).
A Divorce did not deter the then young Sree Vidhya, she chose to take up a string of job offers and pursue her MBA, instead. She chose not to shy away from challenges even whilst setting up her company; the numerous occasions where in she would conduct her night rounds to check if her guards were at post, armed with only a pepper spray, show us that this is not a woman that fear could consume.
The qualities of looking her challenge in the eye and going that extra mile has her hoisted to the pinnacle of entrepreneurship and renders her, an exemplary visionary. May Sree Vidhya be an inspiration to every woman at a crossroads. A woman to look up to; a Shero, indeed!
Blog By Sunandhini